I Dont Even Know!
Wow, how to start this? Life has been so hard. I feel like I am living in Hell some days. I had no ideas how hard things would get adopting my last 2 kiddos. I love them, I really love them a lot but it is so hard! Truthfully, I have seen so many tender mericies and anwsers to prayers that have helped. After my son was diagnosed with bipolar disorder amoung all the other diagnosis he has, I knew we were in for a long ride. Thankfully, i had a prompring to have him start lithuim. We had tried so many different meds and nothing was helping. Lithium has been a life changer for Jude and for us. The violent behaviors, the yelling and screaming profanities, and tha destuction to our home have almost all stopped. We feel like we have our "real" Jude. He is a loving, kind-hearted, and honest kid. He sure has some other struggles that impead his everyday life. He also has Autism and severe ADHD. He is just a good soul and we feel so blessed to call him ours. Our youngest daught...