"Normal People"
Last Sunday I bore my testimony in church. My heart was so full. Having heard the previous Brother's and Sister's who had born their testimonies, really reminded me of why I love Centerville, this neighborhood and the Centerville 7th ward. One particular sister stood and bore her testimony which such honesty. She had said that while her children were such a blessing in her life, that sometimes it was really hard to be a mom. She spoke of how mom's all around her often say how much they love being a mom, and how their children are their world's. It's not very often when you hear other mother's talk about the hardship's, and trials you go through as a parent. She said that sometimes life just sucks, and it's really hard. Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I am an open book. I speak from my heart, and I don't like pretending that life is always perfect. The truth of the matter is, life is hard, and it does "suck" sometimes. We al...